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With a great voice, warm personality and a good sense of humour, it is easy to see why Stevie is one of the most popular and requested male vocalists on the Scottish cabaret circuit.



Guitar virtuoso Stevie excells at his trade and  posseses an excellent voice covering every genre from the sixties to modern covers. Stevie Rocks in his Tribute Show to Bryan Adams & Bon Jovi.  A live performance full of energy and rock guitar, mixed with the powerful vocals and you have a great recipe for any rock-themed event.




Stevie recently made an addition to his catalogue with a Michael Bolton Tribute show that is full of those classic soul sounds. A VERY POPULAR CLUB ACT STEVIE'S PROFESSIONALISM ALWAYS SHINES THROUGH. FOREVER THE POPULAR CHOICE STEVIE is always in high demand. to Avoid disappointment book well in advance OF YOUR EVENT DATE.





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